
Monday, August 5, 2013

Jo Kwangmin(boyfriend)

Life of being the P.A of KHJ!!

“Miss Anni, please get Khj a glass of water.” His manager and my boss told me.
“Yes Manager.” I left them and get a glass of water for my special boss.

Do you think it so outrageously happy to be the P.A of KHJ? You’re just thinking it! The reality is not!! No! No! He is like a disabled person to the point that even a few centimeters away from him, he will ask you to get it for him. Tsssk! He is so nice right?! Sometimes I want to kick him so that I can get even to him.

“Here’s your water Kj.” I give him his water.

Maybe you were curious why I call him KJ instead of KHJ it’s because he is killjoy. Yes! He is! He is full of kjness in his body.

“Thanks Anni-a.” he smirks at me and I just gave him a falls smile.
“Welcome Kj.” I’m so piss-off to him.
“Ahmm… Anni-a will you please get that pen.” Wow! The pen is in front of him and I was like at his back?
To avoid quarrel and unnecessary scenes I just get the pen and give it to him. “Here’s Kj.”
“Thanks,”his tongue-out.

I have tried so many times to resign but they didn’t let me do it. They haven’t told me the reasons behinds it. Hayyy, if I can only find another job I won’t stay here. Anyway, it’s my entire fault why I got stack in this job.

“Hey, Anni-a are you listening?” he asked me.
“Huh? Are you saying something?” I was interrupted.
“I’ve been talking here all this time and you’re not listening. Where’s your brain flying, Anni?” in irritated voice.
“I’m just thinking if how I can poison you.” I answer him in irritated voice.
He spill the water his drinking. “Wow! You’re gonna kill me Anni-a.”
“There you go again!” the manager gets angry to us.

He just does a tongue-out to me and I do it also to him.
Do you know that I’m on my duty for 24 hours? I’m just like a maid to him, I’m the one who cooked for him and wash his clothes!!

Inside his condominium……
“Kj, what do you want to eat for dinner?” I asked him while he’s busy playing.
“I want to eat kimchi,” he answered me.
“What?!!!!” I was surprise to what he said. Is he joking?
“Fine, I won’t eat kimchi. Just cook for me a paksiw na bangus” he requests it.
“Tssk! Just order in the resto or any food chain and let it deliver here.” I suggested it to him that makes him stop playing.
“I won’t do that, just cook there. Even if you took forever to finish it I’ll wait. I ‘m just gonna eat the one you really prepared!”
Hay!!! “I want to go home now, Kj!” in my piss-off tone.
“Do you really want me to get hungry? You gonna left me here alone that hasn’t eaten yet? What will happen to my fans? If they will find this what are you doing to me they gonna kill you.” his threatening me now.
“I said it again, just have a delivery!” I insisted to him.
“I won’t.”
“Pleaseeee…” I show him my cuteness and puppy-eyes.
“Fine, you go.” He looks so sad.
Did I hear it right? “Really? Really?” I rush to the sofa to get my things. “Goodbye.” And I went home immediately.

As I arrived at our house, I immediately lay down to my sweetest bed. I’m so stressed this day and my body really aches! I was about to close my eyes when……

My phone ring…… “Anni-a wake up!!!!!!” (Khj voice)

Me: hello manager?
Mngr: Why you left Khj at his condo, Anni? He hasn’t eaten yet.
Me: manager I told him to just order and let it deliver to his condo. He agreed to me and let me go.
Mngr: you know that’s forbidden, right? What if they will know where he lives? You know how private Khj is.
Me: (why I forgot it) okay Manager, I’ll just go to back to there and bring him something to eat.
End call…

Arghh!!! They haven’t let me sleep even just for 10 minutes?!!!! Waaa!!! I’m so pissed off to you Kj!!!! There’s a lot of food inside you ref!!!! shittt!!
I arrived at the condo with the food I bought at the nearest 24 hours fast food. I’m so tired, stress and my wallet is empty. As I open the door there! I saw Kj sitting in his sofa and eating?!!! What?!!!! He is eating?!!! Argh!!!!

“Hey, Kj!!!” I called him in angry tone.
“You came back?” such a good pretender.
In my rudeness, I put the food I bought right in front of him. “You shit! You’re eating here?!!! Manager called me and you even told her I left you! Then here you are eating?!!! Don’t you know I was about to sleep?!!!” I don’t care even you’re an artist.

He was speechless staring at me……

“I’m not aware that Manager will call you. Don’t you know I eat all the food there at my ref?” 
I just look at him angrily and sit at the sofa. “There you go, eat all of them.”

He really ate what I bought. Out of my consciousness, I got sleep in the sofa. When I woke up this morning I just found out I already have a blanket.

“Good morning” a sweet voice and smile greeted at me.
“Morning.” I answered him in awkward.
“Come, let’s eat.” He invites me.

Hmmmm… he cook this? He hasn’t gone out in his condo and he doesn’t gone to grocery. I went to the dining area, woow! There’s hot coffee, hot egg, bacon, hotdog and ham.

I sat right in front of him, “you had cook a lot.”
“There are two of us.” He answered me then give me a smile.
My eyebrows meet, “What do you think of me a greedy person?”
“Of course not, I’m just thinking maybe you are hungry. I thought you haven’t eaten your dinner and your really hungry base on the sound of your tummy. I tried to wake you up but you just ignored me. You really sleep so tight.” He told me while laughing specially to the ‘sound of my tummy’.

Hayyy..oh yeah, I forgot to eat my dinner last night. Pheeew, even the schedule of eating I forgot.

“Aisht! It’s your entire fault!” I blamed to him.
“Don’t you know I got tired cooking that? I shred my effort cooking it for you. Tssk, you don’t even appreciate it.” He looks so upset and I felt guilty.
“Here’s I’m eating now. Thanks Khj.” I give him my sweetest smile as a sign that I appreciate his effort.
His sad face turns to happy one. “Welcome. Enjoy eating Anni-a” he smiles at me.

Why am I having this feeling? My face turns red and my heartbeat beats so fast. Please, don’t let it happen that my guess is right. Pheeww!!!
Where here right now at the t.v. station in which he’s a guest in reality t.v.
At t.v. stations dressing room……

“Anni-a, you’re an interior designer graduate right?”He asks me.
“Yup, why asking?” I ask him also while I’m preparing his things.
“Then why you choose being my P.A?” am I in an interview show or his just doing my biography in life.
“Well in my past life I was your no.1 fan but now? Not anymore.” I joke at him.
Yes, it’s right that he is the reason why I became his personal assistant. He is my super idol and crush not until I knew his true color and that time on I begun to love my job. Aside from the fact that I had a big amount of payroll, I have travels from different places. Plus I’m spending my time with him even though I really hate him.

“Ouch!” acting like he was hurt so I pulled his hair.
“Heheheh, your such a feeler Khj.” I was laughing looking at his reaction just like a puppy that has lost his mother. What am I saying?
“Hehehehe, oh! You smile again just like the old times. Fix first my hair that you have destroyed.” He told me and I do what he told me, for the info I’m the one also who serves as his official hairdresser.
“Know what Anni-a, thanks for being my friend.” He said while I’m fixing his hair. He was looking at the mirror and stare at me.
“Don’t act so over Kj. Of course you’re so lucky, you have a hairdresser, you have p.a, you have a maid and a nurse.” I joke at him and we both laugh.
“Well part of but the real thing that I’m so thankful that you became my friend it’s because you like me as the real me. You don’t feel awkward shouting at me, screaming and physically hurting me. I’m just like a battered actor, hehehe.” He laughs to what he had said. “You’re just the person having a strong person towards me.”
I went blushing to his speech. “Huhuhu, I’m gonna cry to what you have said. Hehehehe.”
“Hey, it’s for real from the deepest of my heart” in his serious face.

He doesn’t treat me as a p.a though sometimes he does but most of the time he treat me as his friend that’s why I’m so ease in him. When I criticize him in his good points and bad points I don’t bother if he was offended. It’s true that we don’t feel the awkwardness to each other and I really appreciate what he said. I don’t know that he was so thankful. I really want to cry but its unlawful thing to do between us.

“Khj, we’re about to start.” Manager said as she enters the dressing room.

The show has started and we’re sitting right in front. He takes glimpse on us while he is being interviewed. He’s so handsome, no doubt that there’s so many admired him.

“So Khj, here’s a questions for you from our viewer. “Idol it is true that you were choosy in girls that’s why until now you still don’t have a girlfriend?” the host ask him.

Oh yah, he really don’t have a girlfriend now. Well maybe because he’s so busy now.

“It wasn’t that I’m choosy. Let’s just say that there’s someone who really owns my heart.” He said wholeheartedly.

Hmmmm…who is it?? I don’t think so I know that statement…

I whisper to Manager, “Manager, do you know the girl Khj talking about?
The manager just smiled at me. I smell something fishy in here. “Yes.”
“Ohm, why you didn’t share it to me Manager?” acting like I’m being piss-off to her.
“Shhh… why don’t you just listen to Khj?”

Fine! I just focus myself again to Kj…

“Ohhhh, who’s the lucky girl? Can you share it with us?” even the audiences shout it.
“She’s a private person. I want to apologize to you all if I can’t tell you and I hope you will respect my decision. I want a privacy regarding this matter.” His answer and he look at my direction smiling. “Right Anni-a? you are a private person, isn’t it?”

What?! Am I the one he’s talking about?!!! Waaa………! I just figured out that he’s already in front of me.


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