
Monday, August 5, 2013

My Idol, my classmate!

Guess what? I have passed the exam of an elite school and I’m one of their scholars!! It is an exclusives school for talented, smart, artist and rich kids. I’m just a normal girl blessed with talents and have been qualified as a scholar in an exclusive school? I can’t believe it!!
Anyway, I’m here right now in front of the gate of my new school. Enjoying the view of the school and I was amaze!!

“Miss, do you need anything?” the sweety-guard ask me.

I have mix emotions right now… I can do it! Fighting!

“Ahmmm…I’m the new student in here.”
“Ohh..” he opened the gate and let me enter. “Come in little child” in his nice voice.

The sweety-guard was nice so I like him already. I immediately went to the administration office and there I meet the owner of the school at the same time the principal. His okay but I don’t like his jokes.
He introduces me to my homeroom teacher. She looks stunning, beautiful, and nice. She accompanied me to my assigned room. There again I can feel the butterflies in my tummy.
Luckily, she’s also our subject teacher now. As we enter the room, there are bitches, the companies of rich girls talking about boys and being fab. There are Casanova’s, the guys who were busy thinking about their sexiness and counting girls that got into their beds. And lastly, the geeks’ and weird kids that have their own world. Am I in the right school?
I don’t care about them! So what if their rich? So what if their parents where famous? And so what if a lot of people amazed at them? Someday I’ll be one of them!!!

“Class quite!!!!!” our teacher shouted to catch the attention of the student. In her petite body I can’t imagine she have that loud voice. She smiled to the class, “thanks for the attention class.” She speaks again in cute and normal voice.

I’m just standing in front and observing the class and there I saw a very, very familiar face. It’s him! It’s my idol!!! His is also studying here? My idol Even and I were in the same school and class? Omigee!! My heart beats faster than my head.

“Class, I’d like you to meet your new classmate, Ms. Alyannie Onse.” Our teacher introduces me to the class. “She is our school full scholar, so be good to her.” As she continues to introduce me and I was like say whatever you want teacher, I’m enjoying the view in here. “Miss Onse, you can now have a seat.”
“Thanks Ms. Once.” I thank her for being nice and cool. I face again the class. “Hello, please be nice to me.” I give them my sweeties smile and take a vow. I searched for the empty seat.

They look at me like I’m a trash and worthless person that got into their school. It’s so hard to be a child of rich people. They have hydrocephalus in the wealth and fame of their parents.
I found my seat! At the side of my idol Even, I smiled at him like I won at lottery and he replied a sweeties smile at me. He is so nice ever!

“Hi, welcome to the school of smart, talented and blessed people.” A so into pink thing girl greeted me.
“Hello.” I greeted her also.

I look again to my idol but he eagerly pays his attention to our teacher. He admires me a lot.

He consciously asks me. “Is there dirt on my face?”
“No, no.” I nervously disagree to what he said.

I never had a great moment on my first day of school!!! I was so stressed and haggard to the maximum level.
I have been here at this school for a week and I just got three friends. Lucky I am? I just knew that students here have classifications according to their status and fame. I’m so lucky again to be classified in ‘nobody’ but I’m so thankful that my bias Even was so nice to me. The news was right! He is so nice and cheeky. I envy him, when he has a taping or some showbiz works he is excuse.
Being in elite school we are upgraded in our things. We used tabs and net books and I’m so lucky to have them for free.

“Yes.” Even suddenly shouted in low-voice, phewww! Good thing our teacher hasn’t heard him. I looked at him, minding if what he is doing and twalaa! He is playing instead of browsing our books. “Pssst, Even you are not listening again to Mr. Choi. You’re not browsing your e-book, you’re just playing there.” I whispered at him.
He looks at me with ‘back-off’ face. “psst, quite,” he puts his forefinger on my mouth.

In the end, I just did what his doing. I end up playing also and since we are in the backseat our teacher can’t hear us. Anyway I already knew the lesson his talking about.

I’m just playing candy rush, you know. “Psst, awhile ago you prohibit me so bad and you talked so much that I’m not listening.” He interrupts me in my game and gives me a smirk.
I put my hand in his mouth and said, “Shut up.” I give him my puppy eyes, begging him to shut up.

He pointed out my hand that was covering his mouth. Opxxx! Alyannie you got exaggerated, I just get my hand off from his mouth, it’s a shame. Good thing I used sanitizer, pheew.

“You are a scholar here at our school and you’re just playing around?” he laugh at me sarcastically.

It feels so good to spend time with your idol. Talking to him, sitting next to him and spending sweet moments. Hayyy…

Recess time……
“Alya, let’s eat together.” My idol asks me to join him? Is this for real? Sure?
“Okay.” I followed him.

We went to the solemn corner of the canteen and there we eat happily.

“Don’t you feel awkward? You know, you’re talking to an ordinary girl like me.” Out of my curiosity that’s what I ask him.
“Hehehehe, awkward? You know what? I’m also a normal person like you. I eat like you do. I sleep like you do. I take shower and bath and I die like you do.” He replied and laughs at me.

Do I look funny? He always laughs and makes fun to me. Wheew!

“But you know what; I never expect that now I’m eating together with my number 1 idol. I thought it wouldn’t happen because for us nobody it only happens in our dreams.” My longest speech I’ve ever done, hehehe.
“Silly, there is nothing impossible in life. Just believe in your dream, do you know that being nobody is my wish?” he replied.
“Well, our life is enjoyable.” I replied that’s the reality I love about my life.

I and Even talked and I have discovered a lot about him. A big name ‘Even’ wants to eat kwek-kwek.
Months had passed…… nothing harsh happened to me here at my new school except for some bad words and a sticky note sticks at my back. The happiest thing happens I remained being in top-one in our whole year level and Even became my buddy!
Not until now, we barely talk to each other. He became busy in his new album. Most of the time he is excuse and he just take home all his exams.

“Hey, Even was absent again today. His life was so hard; he hasn’t enjoyed her teenage life. He is busy with all the showbiz stuffs.” Miku said. She’s also our classmate.
“Your right, but he told me that he enjoys what he is doing and his happy when his fans were happy.” I said.
“Friend, you and Even were so close.” She said with a mischievous smile. “Is there something going on between the two of you?”
I tapped her in shoulder, “Heyy friend, we’re just close friend Miku. He is my crush, idol and classmate.” I went blushing while saying it.
“Hmm….?! Don’t fool us friend. With that blush and smile, I know it wasn’t just a crush.” She got me! Okay fine!

He went busier this time… if he is present, he just sleep and sleep.

“Psst, Even.” I called him in low-voice.
“Hmmmm…” he really looked sleepy.
“Here’s my pillow” good thing I brought my pillow, I use this incase I want to sleep during break-time.
He raised his head and look at me then a smile came out. “Thanks Alya.” He gets the pillow I offered to him.
Am I blushing? “Welcome.” I just replied and returned my attentions to our teacher.

Life of being famous was so tiring. He became much busier this time and every time I look at my side. I just found an empty seat.
I just remember that day after tomorrow will be my birthday. I can’t go home in the sense that my house was way too far from my school. Plus its weekend, all the dormers will go home. So it means, I’ll celebrate my birthday by myself.

“Hey friend, it’s your birthday this coming Saturday right? You won’t go home?” my friend Miku asks me.
“Nope, I’ll just stay here at our dormitory.” I just give them a long breathe.
“Don’t be sad friend. We want to stay but you know its weekend. We must go home” Miku said. She’s Miku twinsister.
“I’ll be fine. There gonna be more birthdays to come to me.” I just force my smile for them to believe me.
“How about Even, does he know it’s gonna be your birthday?” Als asked me, she’s also my friend.
“Maybe, I don’t know.” I felt sadder thinking about it.

Two days after……
It’s my birthday!! I just kept on cheering myself. Here I am now at our dormitory garden, all by myself. My friends went home and I haven’t seen even a little aura of Even. I’m still thankful my mom called me and greeted me.

“There you are.” I hear a voice at my back.
When I turn around to see who’s talking at my back and pofff its Even. He look tired and stress. “Oh, what are you doing here? You don’t have an appointment?” my clueless question to him.
He sit beside me. “Wheew! I felt breathless searching you.”
“Why? What’s the big deal?” I asked him curiously.
He pinches my cheek, “are you having a memory gap Ms. Top One? It’s your birthday today, isn’t it?”
“Yup, how did you know?” I was amaze knowing it.
“Ofcourse, I’m your friend.” He gave me a box and I think it’s a gift. “Here’s my gift.”
“Ahmmmm…thanks.” I thanked him for that surprise gift.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy-happy-happy birthday to you.” he sang it happily.
“Hehehhe, thanks. You don’t have a schedule for today?” I asked him.
“Naaa…… I cancel all of it for my special someone in my life.” He smiled at me.
Wheeew! I can feel the hotness in my cheeks. “Thanks a lot. I have now a companion to celebrate my birthday. Come, I’ll treat you.” I invited him.
“Where?” he ask me with curiosity look.
I pulled him, “to the place I really like.” I gave her a wink.

He stands up and we stare at each other while smiling. Hhehehee, not just staring, we’re holding each other hands!

“The last one to arrive at the kiosk he can’t eat kwek-kwek!!!!” I shouted and start to run going out our dormitory.


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